Dr. Cohen Memorial Trophy Show 2023

Today Isidro of Laelaps, a.k.a. Ozzy, competed at the Dr. Cohen Memorial Trophy Show organised by the N.B.T.C. and won the Steadfast Thomas of Hardra Trophy for Best Colored Dog.

These beautiful pictures were made by Alice van Kempen the day of the show.

Thank you Alice!
And thanks to the judge; Wim Wellens!

Congratulations to his owner, Catharina Zdunczyk, and of course to Ozzy himself!!


Today the lovely Isidro of Laelaps became Best of Breed and Winner 2022 at the Dutch Winner Show in Leeuwarden.

With this result he also becomes Dutch National Champion. We would like to thank judge John Williams (NL) for thinking so highly of him.
And we want to congratulate his owners with this fantastic accomplishment.

Judging B.T.C.B. Young Dog day

Today I had the honour of judging the Young Dog day for Bull Terrier Club Belgium.

It was a very nice day and being able to see the potential for the future of bullterriers was a real joy.

Judging Clubmatch Bullmastiff Vereniging Nederland

On this day I was invited together with Sophie de Beer to judge the Clubmatch for the Bullmastiff Vereniging Nederland in Benschop (Utrecht).

I was honored to be judging the bitches during the morning and then allowed to discuss the overall winners with my collegue in the afternoon.

Dr. Cohen Memorial Trophy show

Today two of our dogs competed in the Dr. Cohen Memorial Trophy show organised by N.B.T.C.
They both qualified for this show by winning multiple CACs during the previous 12 months.

Sadly neither won any prizes, but we were happy to show them off to the public once again.

Congratulations to the winners.

Isidro of Laelaps, a.k.a. “Ozzy”
Iphigenia of Laelaps, a.k.a. “Yuki”

Egmond aan Zee // Country Competition

This weekend all of the biggest Bull Terrier lovers in the world were present in Egmond aan Zee (as far as Covid would enable them to be there).

This was to be the new location of the Country Competition, organised by the NBTC, which was organised in Leiden in recent years.

The Netherlands had really great results this year, winning 3 out of 4 classes.
Our bitch, Iphigenia of Laelaps, was reserve for the Dutch team in the class bitches under 2 years.

Reunion Report

Today was the day of our annual reunion and we were very happy with the turn out.
We were also very lucky with the weather, because it was a nice sunny day.

As is customary during our reunion we had a drink, played some games, had some laughs and finished up with a nice meal.

Below are some pictures to give you an impression of the day itself.

We want to thank everyone for attending and we hope to see all of you next year too!

Of Laelaps Reunion 2021

Hello everyone,

Finally we’re ready to announce that our annual Of Laelaps Reünie will be happening on the 24th of October! (Unless the rules change again…)

We have found a nice location where we can play games and have a bite to eat afterwards.

The program will be as follows;

14.00 h – Reception with a drink
14.30 h – Start games
(for example; agility, dress up, crate-run, frog leap)
17.00 h – BBQ (optional)

Please let us know if you’d like to join on the BBQ, because we have to reserve in advance. (Expenses are € 20,- per person (children for half price.)

We hope you’re just as excited as us!

Let’s just hope we’re lucky with the weather!!

Best wishes,
Of Laelaps Bullterriers