First time solid food

Today the puppies had their first taste of eating solid food. It usually takes a while for them to get used to it, but they really seemed to like eating fresh minced meat.

Kratos renamed to Kvasir

We received a message from the Kennel Club (Raad van Beheer op Kynologisch gebied in Nederland) that the name chosen for the second male puppy, Kratos, was not accepted due to it being a registered kennelname. Therefore we had to choose a new name, and we’ve chosen Kvasir of Laelaps!

Puppies are growing!

We weigh our puppies every day around the same time (+/- 18.00 h) in order to check on their progress. For those of you who are wondering about the downward lines; It is normal for puppies to lose a bit of weight the very first day or two,

All in all we like that we see all the puppies gaining a nice percentage (>10%) of their bodyweight every day.