As per the rules of the Nederlandse Bull Terrier Club we’ve tested all pups for deafness. Luckily for us, all of them hear perfectly with both ears. Now it’s up to the new owners to actually make them listen.

Bullterrier kennel
As per the rules of the Nederlandse Bull Terrier Club we’ve tested all pups for deafness. Luckily for us, all of them hear perfectly with both ears. Now it’s up to the new owners to actually make them listen.
We weigh our puppies every day around the same time (+/- 18.00 h) in order to check on their progress. For those of you who are wondering about the downward lines; It is normal for puppies to lose a bit of weight the very first day or two,
All in all we like that we see all the puppies gaining a nice percentage (>10%) of their bodyweight every day.
Today Daedalus of Laelaps, a.k.a. Deús, had his yearly check-up at the veterinarian.
We’re happy to say that everything checked out just peachy. All good for 2024!
Finally we have the DNA results back for our puppies from last litter. We did a double mating to our Genesis of Laelaps with a very young dog, Isidro of Laelaps (9 months old) who is a grandson of Emred Devils Spy, and an older dog, Rhydaman Gold Medal (9 years old) who is a son of Emred Devils Spy.
Apparently the DNA was so similar that the laboratory had to re-test the DNA of 4 of the pups. As it turns out 2 are descendants of Rhydaman Gold Medal (the first two white puppy bitches; Justitia of Laelaps and Jocaste of Laelaps) and the others are all descendants of Isidro of Laelaps.
Now available in Europe (stored at Blendivet, Germany) limited amount of frozen breedings of Daedalus of Laelaps. Excellent quality, collected when he was younger.
After a lot of physical health care we went back to the orthopedic surgeon for a check up of Jötunn’s legs.
Luckily they said his bones have grown together nicely and will likely continue to grow well in the future. His growth discs, which we feared were damaged with the break, seem to not have been affected. This is the best news we’ve had all week!
We’re happy to inform you all pups are hearing nicely!
One of our newborns was rather unluckily situated exactly where mommy decided to jump into the puppybox. Normally this isn’t much of a problem, but this time something snapped.
Further investigation at the veterinarian proved that we were dealing with a broken ulna.
Off to the specialist we went. Fortunately there is a great orthopedic surgeon nearby. There the bone could be set and splinted. Jötunn is expected to make a full recovery.
We are very excited to be able to say that Genesis of Laelaps, a.k.a. “Patch”, is pregnant!
This means that we will be expecting puppies about a month from now.